Pull all submodules in a workspace

24 votes


We have submodules containing common code. 20 micro-services might pull in the same submodule.

When you work on a submodule, even just a trivial change, you now have to go pull the same submodule in a lot of other repositories. It can be 2-3 minutes of work every time you make a single change.

I would LOVE if it were possible to simply select a number of repositories and do a "Pull All Submodules" on them.


* It's important that you can select which repos will have their submodules pulled. Submodules are naturally version-pinned, and not every repository will be ready for a change. But if I'm working on three micro-services and change the common code, I'd like to be able to easily pull that change into the other two micro-services.

* Other repositories may themselves have changes to the same common code (often trivial, like logging). It would be necessary to auto-stash when pulling the others.

Under consideration Suggested by: Per Holmes Upvoted: 2 days ago Comments: 2

Comments: 2