Provide option to use custom avatar that doesn't require Gravatar
I prefer not to use Gravatar for various reasons. It doesn't make sense to me to make that the only option.
Comments: 11
21 Aug, '21
Ugo PattaciniIn my understanding, the tree graph displays avatars only for those users who are registered at Gravatar.
However, many users do not have a Gravatar on GitHub so that big open source projects end up showing their tree graphs with lots of anonymous glyphs.
This goes against the level of interpretability of the Git history somehow.
Yet, other Git GUI Clients (e.g. Sourcetree, GH Desktop) have the ability to correctly show the users' avatars by means of simple queries to GitHub.
I strongly believe that it would be very beneficial for GitKraken to catch up on this. -
22 Nov, '21
MarekI would love to have the configurable list of commiters (identified by email) where I could customize some features. One of the options would be to add a custom avatar, and other option will be checkbox "use the custom avatar only when not available on Gravatar".
16 Mar, '22
Michel SijmonsAnd please allow to opt-out of using the linked gravatar and use the glyph configured in GitKraken!
Supose your company policy is to make all email adresses linkt to the same gravatar? In the commit tree you then see all the same gravatars for different users and can't easily see who commited what. -
26 Jul, '22
Axel HeiderFeature is highly appreciated for privacy reasons.
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05 Jun, '23
JánosI would love to have the ability to configure a custom image for each Profile in GitKraken. I tend to use a different profile per company/technology, so I would like to put the company/technology logo in the profile picture.
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14 Jun, '23
AttilaYes , this is poor: the general icons are undistinguishable , and Gravatar sucks
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01 Aug, '23
Petros M. MergedCan you please add profile icons from One Piece. It would be great if we could select an icon from the straw hat pirates. Maybe you could also have Luffy in gear 5. Thank you in advance!
07 Aug, '23
Joey Kelroy Admin"Add profile icons from One Piece" (suggested by Petros M. on 2023-08-01), including upvotes (1) and comments (0), was merged into this suggestion.
01 Dec, '23
lluiscabIt would be awesome if gitkraken fetched the user's avatar image from the gitlab instance that the repo is cloned from (assuming self hosted gtitlab integration is enabled)
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24 Feb, '24
LThis would be nice, and additionally it'd be better if Gravatar wasn't even a default and had to be manually enabled.
Gravatar is a privacy concern at least, and in some environments the privacy concern rises to a security issue!
(Email addresses are usually name + employer domain!)