Improve performance when switching tabs
If a user wants to open or close multiple repo, they have to wait one by one until the UI is ready again. Keeping e.g. the repo tab bar operational would make the UI feel much more snappy, as a user could i.e. rapidly close multiple tabs.
Comments: 16
07 Jul, '21
Max Moldmann MergedOpening multiple repos is a slow process (esp. larger ones).
The open repo dialog closes, the UI locks entirely until the new commit graph is rendered and displayed.
Please add a way to open repos more quickly. E.g. a right click in the open dialog or pressing of a hotkey while opening could give the user the option to open the repo in the background, but keep the open repo dialog open. -
07 Jul, '21
Giacomo Zanotti Admin"Quick open of multiple repos" (suggested by Max Moldmann on 2021-07-07), including upvotes (1) and comments (0), was merged into this suggestion.
29 Aug, '21
Vladislav JavadovNow GitKraken does not remember what file is selected on the tab, especially when I switched between File View and Path View while working on another tab.
30 Oct, '21
Arthur CliffordEach tabbed section (if it isn't already) should be its own thread. And processing the tab if it needs to take a moment to process shouldn't be modal such that it prevents going to other tabs.
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12 Nov, '21
DGyes very important to be able to close / navigate between several tabs more quickly. currently if you push you have to wait until the end to change tabs, very annoying when you have to push several repositories at the same time
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28 Feb, '22
Julio WoosOr at least, load all repos in background after opening gitkraken, respecting the tab orders. Maybe add a spinner on the tab to clarify it is loading.
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24 Mar, '22
Mickyes good idea ! i have always 4 or 5 repos and opening/switching is so long for nothing!
18 Jul, '22
JesseGitkraken is super slow anyway :') 5 min to commit anything. 2 min to open new tab. terrible. but yeah this would make the feel better
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22 Jul, '22
JG F.any news ?? its anoying to wait before switch tab when we push a repository. it will be very nice to have a queue of operation that are not blocking.
18 Aug, '22
Tycho PandelaarI just installed GitKraken to see if it would be a viable alternative to what my company is using now.
It might be if I didn't need to wait for this UI blocking issue.
GitKraken looks like a nice tool if you work with one repository at a time, but it's really annoying if you have 15 ~ 20 repositories for one project.
This issue makes GitKraken a big NO-NO.
To bad.... I was really enthusiastic when I discovered GitKraken. -
13 Dec, '22
Beno D.This is the most painful issue on GitKraken. I really like the application and the features it provides. But, the performance issues are so bad - even other application are fare performant than GitKraken (Git Fork, GitExtensions and others).
The issue is present in the application since so long (it is so sad), that I'm considering to not extend the subscription next year.
I would really like to see it at least at the roadmap for the application. -
27 Feb, '23
Radoslaw D.Gitkraken is incappable of handling large repos.
Every operation takes minutes. It's a shame because I really like the design, but this lag is completely ruining my workflow.
And yes, I've tried every workaround suggested by devs. Even fresh clone is sluggish.
If this does not improve , I'll be forced to look for an alternative. -
28 Feb, '23
JG F.any news ?
more than 2 years without response or resolution of this problem which makes gitkraken very slow because you have to wait for each action. -
02 Mar, '23
Radoslaw D.Even right clicking on a commit takes 20-30 seconds before the menu appears.
Oh come on! You can do better! -
03 Apr, '23
urayeven if the project/tab already opened, it still take a whole minute to switch tab, i am on 9.2.1
its really unusable, staging one 1KB text file take 5 minutes !! -
17 Oct, '24
Jeff ThomasFor folks with massive performance problems - it probably isn't 100% GitKraken - sure GK should be faster, but I am not seeing those times.
Switching tabs does an immediate refresh against the repository which *can* be slow... maybe it could be optimized by showing the last known state immediately and then refreshing in the background?