More progress details for clone, merge, fetch, push and pull
I was cloning my LFS repo today and it took a while, however the progress bar did not really help me see where it was and how long it had left. The GitHub client and others tells you what file it has left and how many files it has left and it would be grand to have this as well, especially if a clone gets stuck.
Comments: 22
29 Jul, '21
JeffWhere is the progress bar?
11 Aug, '21
Markus J.More details on the progress of multiple long running operations would be usefull. Even Push/Pull Operations can sometimes take some time and it would be helpfull if the ongoing operation and more details about it would be more visible and prominent in the UI, instead of only showing a small rotating circle indicating some sort of operation going on
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24 Sep, '21
Jan JuranSeems since 8.0.0 there's this notification bar at the botom of the commit graph. That's nice. But still, if the LFS repo is a submodule and you're pulling the parent repo, you won't see anything and the repo could sit in there stuck for hours (in our case we have really large submodules containing game engine assets).
13 Nov, '21
Christoph MergedI find it problematic that the processes mentioned do not show how far they have progressed.
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15 Nov, '21
Giacomo Zanotti Admin"General progress bar for clone, merge, fetch, push & pull" (suggested by Christoph on 2021-11-13), including upvotes (1) and comments (0), was merged into this suggestion.
26 Sep, '22
Oliver MergedWhen initializing a submodule, you click and you don't know if gitkraken is busy or not.
I suggest adding a busy indicator (loading bar, changing mouse cursor, animated icon etc) -
26 Sep, '22
Joey Kelroy Admin"Add busy indicator for long running actions (i.e. init submodule)" (suggested by Oliver on 2022-09-26), including upvotes (1) and comments (0), was merged into this suggestion.
27 Sep, '22
JasonCan long running operations (cloning especially) not be blocking operations for the entire app. Please run that on a thread and let us interact with other repos in the meantime. I alternate between at least 4 repos daily, and if I can't do anything because I'm waiting for a long clone, that's just a waste of my time.
26 Oct, '22
Frank Severinsen MergedFairly often we pull a repo and Gitkraken instantly confirms with "pulled succesfully" (which I know it isn't).
If I then wait ~30 secs and press pull again. it suddenly realise there are more changes needed to be pulled.
I don't know if fetching is not done automatically when pressing pull¸ or whats going, but it's very very problematic when we expect the repo to be pulled and up to date when Gitkraken says it is. -
01 Nov, '22
Chris Bowie Admin"Stop saying "pulled succesfully" and "Already Up-to-Date" when it isn't" (suggested by Frank Severinsen on 2022-10-26), including upvotes (1) and comments (0), was merged into this suggestion.
08 Feb, '23
Andy+1 to needing better in-progress info and +1 to stopping the premature success messages
01 May, '23
LizI really thought i had pushed my commits to github.. turns out.. i hadnt.. my whole client is almost unresponsive bar a little spinning circle in light grey on dark grey for push.. tbh easy to miss... at least colour it when active and a progress bar would be seriously useful.. zzzzz would be nice to see something other than this tiny spinning circle
08 Jun, '23
Kareem SarhanThis feature should have been implemented from the very beginning of GitKraken, and its absence now doesn't feel suitable with the idea of GitKraken.
27 Jun, '23
Dave RollinsonWe use LFS extensively, and the feedback you see in the command line is super helpful, compared to the (way too subtle) spinning indicator when doing big pull/pushes in GitKraken.
14 Aug, '23
Scott Saltz MergedSometimes it is not obvious that Kraken is busy doing something. Could the a status spinner show more often? For example when a branch is being merged into another branch. It took a few minutes this morning and I knew it was doing something but I could not tell for sure.
15 Aug, '23
Stephen AbbottOften when I switch to a repository I haven't used in a while, GitKraken doesn't display the latest changes (presumably because it is fetching in the background) but doesn't give any indication that it is doing anything. This isn't the greatest UX and is very frustrating.
21 Aug, '23
Joey Kelroy Admin"Busy Spinner" (suggested by Scott Saltz on 2023-08-14), including upvotes (1) and comments (0), was merged into this suggestion.
07 Dec, '23
Joey Kelroy Admin"Show indication of activity when performing operations" (suggested by James Sheridan on 2023-12-05), including upvotes (1) and comments (0), was merged into this suggestion.
12 Jan
Joey Kelroy Admin"Feedback during hook execution." (suggested by <Hidden> on 2024-01-11), including upvotes (1) and comments (0), was merged into this suggestion.
20 Feb
Timo Pot MergedWhen a commit has an hook it can take a while for the commit to finish.
So after pressing the commit button it should show a progress indicator or something like that to show that the commit is in progress and has not finished yet.
If possible another click during the process should not be possible. -
21 Feb
Joey Kelroy Admin"Add progress indicator to commit button" (suggested by <Hidden> on 2024-02-20), including upvotes (1) and comments (0), was merged into this suggestion.
26 Jun
Jessica StreicherI really would like some indicator when a task is still in progress. Often the UI will just "hang" during a branch checkout or pull, and you don't know if somethings wrong or things are just going slow right now.