⭐️ Guidelines ⭐️

63 votes

Welcome to GitKraken's Feature Upvote 👋

The GitKraken product team regularly moderates and references this board when planning upcoming release cycles. Be sure to first search the board for your idea.

📝 How do I format my feature suggestion?

Please provide a specific, helpful description of your idea and use case. Consider using the format:

"As a [user], I would like [idea] in order to [benefit]."

A person will read every suggestion, and so we kindly ask you follow our Code of Conduct: https://www.gitkraken.com/slack-code-of-conduct

🗳 I just submitted a suggestion, but I don't immediately see it in the list?

All suggestions and comments are first moderated by a member of our team, before getting approved (or denied) for publishing on the board. We aim to moderate suggestions weekly (if not more often). Additionally, suggestions may be merged or split.

🐞 Please don't report bugs on this board and instead send your bug report to support@gitkraken.com.

Under consideration Suggested by: Jonathan Upvoted: 28 Nov, '24 Comments: 1

Comments: 1